Curious kids. Pupils in Laguna learn about rice varieties in a recent science and math school. Exhibited by PhilRice in Los Baños, displays made the children aware that rice has different colors and forms, including red and black rice, and brown rice. العب طاولة PhilRice studies show that frequent consumption of these rice may help fight cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.

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Farmer’s testimony. Myrna Nieves of San Mateo, Isabela, shares to her fellow farmers that direct-seeding rice with drum seeder can help reduce production cost and increase yield. Lisez la suite pour en savoir plus sur l’ impuissance et comment le pilules peut le traiter efficacement.  About 50 farmers learned this technology from her in a Farmers’ Field Day recently conducted by PhilRice Isabela.

Categories: Activities, News, Photo News

Women-farmers revered. High school students in San Mateo, Isabela honored the women farmers this Women’s Month through arts. The young artists portrayed the role of women in rice farming. Artworks were exhibited in the town’s municipal hall.

Go Public Mestiso.  Participants assess Mestiso 20 (M20), one of the hybrid rice varieties featured in the recent Hybrid Rice Derby: Provincial Hybrid Techno Forum in Sta. Maria, Agoo, La Union. A public hybrid, M20 yields 6.4-11.7t/ha and matures in 111 days. The event, participated by hundreds of rice farmers, researchers, agricultural technicians, and local officials aim to show the hybrids’ crop stand, reaction to pest, and panicle formation. PhilRice and UPLB bred Mestiso 20 (M20).

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Farmers in Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija had localized the technologies gained from a four-month Farmers’ Field School (FFS). Ugat-Uhay Farmers Association showed off their own farm structures in a recent FFS graduation ceremony.  The season-long training introduced newly-released inbred and hybrid rice varieties, Kwebo, and Capillarigation. Farmers, partners in the Rice Business Innovations System Community Program (RiceBIS), also identified rice varieties suitable in their area. The program’s highlights include:   DIY […]

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Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) urges farmers to adopt technologies that will help them cope with the weak El Niño, which started in November 2018 and is forecasted to end in June this year. Farmers in irrigated areas are advised to use water efficiently so it can reach tail-end areas in the irrigation system. They are encouraged to practice controlled irrigation, which can reduce water use by around 16-35% without reducing […]

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Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), the country’s lead agency for rice research for development, pushes for the use of high-quality inbred seeds and its associated technologies to help farmers become competitive and survive the influx of cheaper rice from the international market. According to PhilRice experts, competitiveness means increasing farmers’ yield by at least 5 tons per hectare for inbred seeds and reducing their production cost by 30%. Signed on […]

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Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) is a government corporate entity attached to the Department of Agriculture created through Executive Order 1061 on 5 November 1985 (as amended) to help develop high-yielding and cost-reducing technologies so farmers can produce enough rice for all Filipinos.

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Philippine Rice Research Institute