The Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund Rice Extension Services (RCEF RESP) Program has enhanced the farming skills of young and new farmers in Palawan and Camarines Sur.

In Palawan, 30-year-old farmer Marc Joseph D. Gabriel from Narra increased his yield after participating in the RCEF training of trainers on pest and nutrient management. 

Before the training, Gabriel’s 1.5-ha farm produced 3t/ha of NSIC Rc 218. With RCEF interventions, his yield increased to 4t/ha, and he now aims for 4.5-5t/ha.

“I joined the training because I was eager to learn new agricultural technologies. The experience was enriching, especially in nutrient management, pest control, and weed management,” Gabriel shared.

The training taught him to split and time his fertilizer applications, significantly boosting his yield. He also adopted the Minus-One-Element Technique (MOET) after a local government demonstration revealed deficiencies in his soil. Gabriel’s reliance on chemical sprays also decreased, reducing costs and promoting environmental health. 

He used to spray 6L of chemicals per hectare each season, costing around PhP3,000. Now, with integrated pest management, he sprays only four times per season using just 2L, saving PhP2,000 per season. These savings are reinvested in weed control and organic fertilizers to maintain soil health.

Meanwhile, in Camarines Sur, Ronaldo A. Riva, originally a fisherfolk from the coastal area, transitioned into rice farming after moving to Ocampo City and inheriting his in-laws’ rice land. 

With no prior experience, Riva initially relied on advice from neighboring farmers. However, his perspective changed dramatically after completing the RCEF Farmers Field School.

“I would apply fertilizer or pesticides only when I see my neighbors doing the same. Now, I’ve learned that the type and amount of fertilizer should be tailored to the crop stage,” he shared.

Applying his newfound knowledge, Riva’s harvest rose to an average of 6-8t on his almost 1-ha field using the NSIC Rc 222 seeds provided by the RCEF Seed Program. 

“The additional income allowed me to save and expand my piggery. It also helped cover expenses like school fees and our daily needs,” he shared.

The RCEF RESP and Seed Program are components of Republic Act 11203, also known as the Rice Tariffication Law, which allocates a P10 billion fund annually for rice farmers. Sponsored by Senator Cynthia Villar, this six-year government initiative aims to help farmers compete in the international rice market with support from local government units and lawmakers.

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Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) is a government corporate entity attached to the Department of Agriculture created through Executive Order 1061 on 5 November 1985 (as amended) to help develop high-yielding and cost-reducing technologies so farmers can produce enough rice for all Filipinos.

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