Do you know that a rich source of information on Philippine soils is easily available and accessible online? This is the Philippine Soil Information System. A quick dig-up on the internet leads you to this online data treasury. What is this online data treasury? The PhilRice Soil Information System (PSIS) is a web portal in the DA-PhilRice Database and Management Portal (DBMP) that contains extensive data and information on the […]

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While his fellow farmers switch to high-value crops due to rice’s low yield and market price, Abner Javier continues to plant the country’s staple food believing that rice can reach its potential yield with the right technologies. He is passionate of this belief that for eight years, the 50-year-old farmer-leader from Calauan, Laguna teaches modern rice farming in his Javier Integrated Farm (JIF) school without charge. With the pandemic and […]

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“They say that sailing across the sea is a dream come true, yet, you can also sail in the farm and build dreams of your own.”  Christopher Harold C. Arboleda, 31-year-old-graduate of a training of trainers (TOT) course by the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) Rice Extension Services Program said.  “In farming, you own your time. I’m the worker, I’m also the boss. If you’re looking for a career or […]

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Living a healthy life is a matter of choice. While some people choose to be healthy, others take on the bigger responsibility to help others live a healthy life.  In the rice industry, there are people who took on the challenge to bring healthier rice options to more Filipinos’ tables.  Rice options to curb malnutrition  Upon learning that 3 of 10 children are malnourished and 7 of 10 women are […]

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Nanotechnology (nanotech) is revolutionizing farming, requiring a critical study on ultra-small-scale materials. “Nano” means “one billionth.”  Nanotech can set the standards for fertilizers, pesticides, and other agri supplies that contain agrochemicals. DA-PhilRice scientists and researchers are now navigating into nanotech by conducting a “fertilizer derby” experiment led by Dr. Leylani Juliano, chief science research specialist (SRS). A certain nano fertilizer is also being jointly developed with the Central Luzon State […]

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To Third Domingo, farming was a childhood dream. Coming from a family of teachers and farmers, he now savors the different kind of happiness that agriculture offers, that is despite being a sought-after creative writer for big brands.  Now that he has built his own advertising company called IXM, he set off to his dream of being a farmer.  Farming: Returning to his roots  “When the sun sets, you stop […]

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“We’re not here because it’s an easy life. We’re here to make lives easy.” This is the essence of serving the Filipino rice farmers, according to Dr. Santiago R. Obien, now 87, first DA-PhilRice director. A crux deeply ingrained that no insurgencies, vandalized fields, travel ordeals, and limited resources can interrupt.  Conflict passers-by Reaching the marginalized farmers entails faith without neglecting self preservation. Datu Ali “Alex” Sumlay of DA-PhilRice Midsayap, […]

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Before the sun gets warmer energizing the earth, a throng of field workers in bicycles or motorcycles is already in the wide experimental farms of DA-PhilRice at 7 a.m. In the late afternoon, while the king of day scatters the amber, many researchers are still in the offices at 5 p.m., stretching the day a bit, not leaving unfinished work for tomorrow.  This is not an embracing of time that […]

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Undertakings, no matter how similar they may seem, will always require new strategies and perseverance to succeed.  The Davao Multipurpose Seed Producers Cooperative (DAMSEPCO) and South Nueva Ecija Seed Growers Multipurpose Coop (South NESGMPC) are not new to government procurements. Since their establishment, providing seeds for public and private programs has been their bread and butter. So, when DA-PhilRice contracted them as partners in the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) […]

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Are you looking for a one-stop shop for rice-related data in the Philippines? PalayStat will surely be useful for you! PalayStat, an interactive web-based system that aims to provide easy access, was launched in 2014. It contains farm-level data of selected rice provinces acquired from the Rice-based Farm Households Survey (RBFHS), a survey being conducted by the Socioeconomics Division of Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) every five years. With this […]

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Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) is a government corporate entity attached to the Department of Agriculture created through Executive Order 1061 on 5 November 1985 (as amended) to help develop high-yielding and cost-reducing technologies so farmers can produce enough rice for all Filipinos.

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Philippine Rice Research Institute