Deputy Executive Director for Development Dr. Karen Eloisa Barroga encourages San Rafael farmer graduates to share RCEF programs and services with their fellow farmers.

Farmers in San Rafael, Bulacan have pledged to practice the farming technologies and recommendations introduced during their almost four-month training in a Farmer Field School (FSS) under the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund – Rice Extension Services Program.

Janine Viola, top farmer graduate, said that the learning and the time they spent in the FFS could be rewarded with high yield.

“I gained knowledge in Agroecosystem Analysis (AESA), nutrient management, and other aspects in rice production, which can yield us better crops in the future,” she said during their graduation at the Hacienda Angelita Nature’s Farm held on April 2.

Leila Ortega, also a farmer-graduate and president of Pasong Bangkal Farmers Association, said that she is confident to use the machines provided by RCEF as she had practiced using them during the training.

“We (farmers) must continuously seek knowledge to improve our skills, and I’m grateful that I have been given this chance,” she said.

The FFS graduates are from six barangays of San Rafael, Bulacan: Capihan, Maronquillo, Paco, Pasong Bangkal, Sampaloc, and Ulingao.

The graduation, with the largest number of FFS graduates, was the first to be held inside the grounds of the Hacienda Angelita Natures Farm.

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Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) is a government corporate entity attached to the Department of Agriculture created through Executive Order 1061 on 5 November 1985 (as amended) to help develop high-yielding and cost-reducing technologies so farmers can produce enough rice for all Filipinos.

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