Knowledge Products
Grain Quality of Philippine RiceDescribes the grain quality in the Philippine context and includes as appendix listing typical grain quality characteristics of the Philippine varieties from PSB Rc1 to NSIC Rc220, covering the period of variety release from 1990 to 2009.
Simplified Key to Soil SeriesThe “Simplified Key to Soil Series” is a tool to identify soil series in the field following simple steps for the use of farmers, extension workers, agricultural technicians, researchers, and other stakeholders. Using this guidebook, identification of soil will be more accurate reducing the risk of incompatible management and technology recommendations.
Rice Black Bugs: Taxonomy
With increasing population pressure on land and with diminishing per capita availability of arable land and irrigation water, the oly pathway available to the Philippines and other developing countries in Asia to meet their growing food needs is improving productivity in perpetuity without ecological harm, a pathway which the author named “Ever-green Revolution.”
Insect Pest Diagnostic Kit
With increasing population pressure on land and with diminishing per capita availability of arable land and irrigation water, the oly pathway available to the Philippines and other developing countries in Asia to meet their growing food needs is improving productivity in perpetuity without ecological harm, a pathway which the author named “Ever-green Revolution.”
Field Guide on Major Disorders
This field manual describes and illustrates in simplest manner possible, the important information on diseases that affect the rice plant and how they are managed.
Field Guide on Harmful and Useful Organisms in the Philippines
This field guide provides diagnostic information, short descriptions of the most important species, their identification marks, the ecosystem they dominate, the nature of damage inflicted, their biology, and the management options to employ. All information are prerequisites to the initiation of any pest management strategy.