Eranio A. Mojica was standing beside a poster by the door of their office as he waited for the employees of the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) to arrive. He was tapped to be part of an activity that would feature farmers-recipients of the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund – Rice Extension Services Program (RCEF-RESP). Mojica, chair of the five-year-old First Damayan Bagsit Irrigators Association in Brgy. Bulawen, Palauig, Zambales, can […]

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Learning to improve rice production is now made more fun and interactive with the recent launch of a digital campaign dubbed “Palaywakin ang Galing: yunPALAYun” to promote the technologies and services of  the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund-Rice Extension Services Program (RCEF-RESP). Dr. Karen Eloisa T. Barroga, vice chair of the RCEF- RESP Technical Working Group, said that the campaign name – a word play of palay and palawakin (expand), signifies the RCEF-RESP’s purpose […]

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A farm owner in Guimba, Nueva Ecija gains additional income from establishing a farm school accredited under the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund-Rice Extension Services Program (RCEF-RESP). Myriad Farms owner Viola Fern Sebastian, together with her partner Frianina V. Resplandor, said they have been earning a net income of P100,000 per batch of training after their farm school was accredited by Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). “Our farm school […]

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Recent graduates of the Rice Specialists’ Training Course (RSTC) under the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund-Rice Extension Services Program (RCEF-RESP) were urged to continue living by the mission to help the Filipino rice farmers. Karen Eloisa Barroga, deputy executive director of Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute (DA-PhilRice), said PhilRice training courses were enhanced with a module that ignites the sense of passion to help Filipino rice farmers among its trainees. […]

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Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute (DA-PhilRice) economists encourage farmers to sell good quality dry palay for more income amidst the lower farmgate price of palay. Alice Briones-Mataia of PhilRice Socioeconomics Division explained that farmers will earn an average of P1.50 per kilogram depending on quality when they sell dry palay. Palay price is largely dictated by factors, such as quality (level of moisture content and variety), seasonality, supply disturbances, and import […]

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More trainers are now expected to help Filipino farmers following the participants’ completion of rice production training funded by the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund-Rice Extension Services Program (RCEF-RESP). In their recent graduation at the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute (DA-PhilRice) in Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija, trainees said they have learned the concepts and principles of the PalayCheck System specifically on the production of high-quality inbred rice and […]

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Farmer-beneficiaries of the “Sa Palay at Gulay, may Ani, Hanapbuhay, Oportunidad, at Nutrisyon,” (PAG-AHON) Project have earned income from their first harvest after a month of growing quick-maturing vegetables. From the 50 key farmer-beneficiaries from Lupao Vegetable Growers Association (LVGA) who were trained under the crop diversification component, three vegetable growers already harvested 270 kilograms of pechay and mustard giving them a combined income of P10,400. The vegetables were planted […]

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Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) is a government corporate entity attached to the Department of Agriculture created through Executive Order 1061 on 5 November 1985 (as amended) to help develop high-yielding and cost-reducing technologies so farmers can produce enough rice for all Filipinos.

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Philippine Rice Research Institute