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Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), the country’s lead in rice science and development, had conducted Lakbay-Palay with Atty. Virgilio R. de los Reyes, Department of Agrarian Reform secretary, as keynote speaker, March 28.

“Lakbay-Palay is our first Institutional Field Day for the year and we’re happy that farmers shared their experiences on trying our technologies. This gave us feedback on how our technologies have fared in their areas,” Celia G Abadilla, activity chairperson said.

With the theme, Makibahagi, Matuto, Makisaya, the whole day affair featured PhilRice technologies such as new varieties, machines, and water and fertilizer management to about 2,000 farmers.

Abadilla further said that high school and college students from Nueva Ecija joined Lakbay-Palay to learn more about rice science. They visited the Rice Museum, PhilRice laboratories, and would be briefed on ways that they could contribute to rice self-sufficiency.

The Institutional Field Day also provided an opportunity for farmers, scientists, researchers, and extension workers to talk more on rice production challenges and issues.

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Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) is a government corporate entity attached to the Department of Agriculture created through Executive Order 1061 on 5 November 1985 (as amended) to help develop high-yielding and cost-reducing technologies so farmers can produce enough rice for all Filipinos.

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Philippine Rice Research Institute